A Fresh Batch of Dating Slang

Dating is no longer a ‘simple ‘single’ or ‘taken’ checklist anymore. It's a rollercoaster of labels, statuses, and a dizzying mix of Doja Cat lyrics. Would you expect anything less when Gen Z is leading the charge?

Traditional labels seem antiquated in comparison to the more nuanced language in use on the internet today. We sound old just for saying that in a sentence. From ‘rizz’ and ‘ghosting’ to ‘situationships’ and ‘cookie-jarring’, here’s how to keep up with internet culture one dating slang at a time.  Don’t forget to brush up on your internet slang, because you want to be a ‘green flag’, not just a ‘beige flag’.


Cookies may be the comfort food for your soul, but there’s a dating trend that will not hit the same sweet spot as freshly baked oatmeal raisins. “Cookie-jarring” is the dating equivalent of keeping a backup snack. I.e. someone is conveniently kept on hold until their preferred option is unavailable. A bit harsh? We agree!

Love Bombing

According to the Urban Dictionary, love-bombing is a manipulative game where someone showers you with affection to reel you in. It's like a failing relationship on fast-forward. We've all scoffed at the idea that we’d never fall for such obvious flattery, but the truth is, love bombing sneaks up on you and completely changes the game.


Ever gotten the ick, but times a thousand? Say hello to the crypt-ick. It's that cringe-worthy moment when your partner's obsession with something, be it pickleball, Taylor Swift, or a movie character, turns into a one-man / woman show you're basically forced to attend solo. Like being stuck in some kind of endless loop of their favourite subject—trust us, not much fun.


Orbiting refers to a situation when someone from your past hovers in your online world, liking posts and stories, but avoids returning to the real world for an honest conversation or relationship. Ask yourself: Is it worth it?


Breadcrumbing is a sly game. It's when someone keeps you hooked with promises of a real relationship but never commits to the full course. Unfair, if you ask!

Soft Launch

Some couples are taking a slow-burn approach to relationship announcements, posting subtle clues about their new partner on social media. Think blurry faces and hand-holding snippets. It's like a digital game of hide-and-seek, but with a romantic twist.