Everything we are leaving behind in 2023

With age comes wisdom. No one can change overnight because the date on the calendar moves further. Who we are as people can improve with time and effort but there’s no need to fight one’s inner voice and personality to meet the expectations of others. As we bid farewell to another year, dear reader, we’ve compiled a list of things we hope to see little to none of in the new year. How many of these apply to you?

  • Chasing the idea of perfection. You are where you need to be. 

  • Fear of confrontation. 

  • The half of your closet that you aim to someday fit into. 

  • Old Mascara.

  • What your partner said to you in the last fight.

  • Overdue credit card bills.

  • Buying planners. Just organise your calendar well.


  • Drinking 3 nights in a row.

  • Coordinated wedding mood boards. Gag.

  • Ditto coordinated wedding dance moves.

  • Generic sneakers.

  • Saying yes to things because you’re too afraid of being disliked.

  • Grudges with mom.

  • Half-read books. Just donate them and find something you actually like.


  • Following people on Instagram you once knew.

  • Political agnosticism. 

  • Downloading new apps without deleting old ones.

  • Screentime before bedtime.

  • Ignoring health checkups.

  • Last minute gifts.


  • Comparison.

  • Inconsistent workouts.

  • Old ideas. Just write a fresh set.

  • Clients that don’t pay.

  • Self-sabotage. 

  • Being a part of too many Whatsapp groups.

  • That ugly lamp in the corner that’s always staring at you.

  • Smalltalk.

  • Pretending to like music that doesn’t stir you.


  • That annoying person in your extended friend circle who has a way of getting to you.

  • Jobs that don’t fulfil you.

  • Energy takers.

  • Clenched jaws.

  • Indecision.

  • Binge-watching TV.

  • Glorifying the grind.

  • Acidic coffee.


  • Trendy restaurants with mediocre food.

  • Glitter nails.

  • Trying to replicate TikTok cores. You’re past that phase in your life.

  • Chat GPT emails.

  • Plastic trees.

  • Red meat.

  • Doom Scrolling.


  • Pretending to be interested in conversations. 

  • Nepotism.

  • Futuristic baby names.

  • ½ birthdays.

  • Posting every picture on the gram. We get it, you went out.

  • Not updating your LinkedIn.

  • Euphoria makeup for music festivals.


  • Not working on your triggers.

  • Watercooler gossip.

  • Tacky hangings.

  • Fake laughter.