What we can Learn from the Creatives of The World
We’ve all slapped around some paint or dusted off an instrument, capturing it all for our Instagram stories to fill the void brought on by lockdown. But why now, more than ever, are we tapping into our creativity? We at Le Mill are patrons of art. A dive into the minds of real people who are fortunate enough to call their craft their livelihood, allowed us to peek into what it feels like to draw out the short-lived escape we’ve grown familiar with.
With frustration and stagnation at an all-time high, mental health is demanding pivotal position in our lives. A painter, a musician and a photographer walk into a bar pandemic. Read on to exude that zen-like inner glow and unwavering faith that we associate with artists alike. Secrets straight from the source:

Dinesh Khanna, 'Doors, Windows and Walls'
The instant-gratification generation we’re in often mentally removes us from our surroundings. “I notice in isolation, I’m hyper-aware and sensitive to things around me. Finding forms and patterns in anything- getting engaged with everything. I love observing the world- photography, aside from my passion of taking photographs, is a way of investigating and exploring.”, explains photographer Dinesh Khanna.

Stuti Chandhok, Founder of Madhur Mann Music School
Pent up anxiety, like all emotions, needs a channel to dissipate. Creativity yields refuge, a space where free expression is therapeutic. “Where words stop, music begins, a great and safe way to express the magnitude of a feeling- I see my expression as a means to add value in society. That’s what really gives me satisfaction”, says music therapist Stuti Chandhok.

Manisha Gera Baswani, 'Home'
If there’s an addition during this period, it’s time- time we grumbled about never having; time we promised we’d use on our bucket lists; but also, time we never had for just ourselves. “Craft and art used to be an intrinsic part of people - a meditative act that brings you closer to yourself. When we replace age-old traditions of inward-looking activities that have brought peace and joy, with outward activities that don’t give back, society crumbles.”, elaborates painter Manisha Gera Baswani.
In times of crisis, everybody can become a lens – pause and assess what it all means. Grit and persistence that the arts bring out can shape personality beyond measure, and the unceasing negativity around disintegrates through creative construction. So, let’s keep alight the rekindled side the virus has brought us, and stay on the journey to serenity. Bon voyage!