#VocalForLocal: Fabric of Life
Our hearts are breaking along with our country’s in this crisis. At this time, we believe in the importance of community. With our collective strength we can bounce back from a looming economic slowdown. Last year’s shuttering of shops and mass migrant exodus will repeat again, however this time, we must work doubly hard to protect and nurture the hands that make our clothes.

The craft clusters of India are asking for our help. Le Mill, along with its homegrown designers, will forgo all profits and commissions from any sales, to ensure that money reaches the industry’s very backbone -- its weavers, artisans and karigars.

The labels we house at Le Mill work directly with these artisans everyday, providing them sustenance and work. Labels like Eká, Tallin Jewels, De Castro, Rooshad Shroff, Agaro Jewels and Project 810 employ some of the largest number of craftsmen and women, whose livelihoods they maintain. With every item shopped, you will be a part of keeping the design community alive.
Come be a part of #FabricofLife.

#LeMillCares #Covid-19Relief #PrayingForIndia