#VocalForLocal: An Apothecary Label to Answer All Our Wellness Woes

One of the greatest takeaways of the year gone by was that our focus turned inwards, and self-care became numero uno. Be it taking a socially-distanced walk around the neighbourhood, yoga class on Zoom, or adopting a new AM to PM skincare routine - we all learned to cope with the unknown in our own unique ways.

Self Care, Secret Alchemist, Apothecary, Vocal For Local

'Self Care' Relaxation Oil

Secret Alchemist, that describes itself as a holistic wellness and self-care brand, leans into the sense of smell as a gateway to better health. Mother daughter duo, Sumi and Ankita Thadani, aren’t way off with their hypothesis. The fragrance of freshly baked goods, or a whiff of our favourite perfumes, was all it took to teleport us to better days in one of the world’s strictest Covid-19 induced lockdowns. Their aim is simple: help relieve stress through modern Aromatherapy. Sumi, a practitioner of aromatherapy for the past 20 years shares her passion with her daughter who is an architect, bringing a contemporary touch to the ancient form of healing.

Self Care, Secret Alchemist, Apothecary, Vocal For Local

“My mother has always been an ardent believer of alternative forms of therapy. She is the one who will push you to exercise rather than pop a pill. She did a yearlong educational course and began making her various concoctions for family and friends. After much experimenting to perfect her blends, she started selling the same at her salon,” shares Ankita Thadani. As demand grew, Ankita helped her mother formulate and bottle the products into easy-to-use packaging. In 2021, they launched their label together.

Self Care, Secret Alchemist, Apothecary, Vocal For Local

'Breathe' Cold Reliever Oil, 'Calm' Anxiety Reliever Oil, 'Dream' Sleep Inducing Oil

Like an alchemy of nature, the formulations are made of ethically sourced herbs, botanicals, and essential oils, and are meant to boost everyday well-being by catering to daily stressors. Think, the goodness of tea tree oil, Juniper, sandalwood, and rosemary that come together in tonics for hair and skin issues. There’s nothing that one of their vials won’t fix. Menstrual pain, acne-affected skin, or just a case of the general headache - it can all go away if you just stop and smell the roses. Users of their own medicine, the duo’s go-to products include the hair growth oil and pimple gel for Ankita, while Sumi swears by regular massages using the toning oil, plus a 108 surya namaskars in a single session, because - flex.


Shop the brand here.